Forum Home / Castle Combe 10th Sept 2012 / Thanks MGoT!

10/09/2012 18:08:16
Thanks to all of the organisers from MGoT and Castle Combe. A great day in the (mostly!) dry this time.
10/09/2012 18:38:43
[b]today at castle combe[/b] I agree another great day.Many thanks to the team who made it possible.
11/09/2012 07:03:09
Thanks for the oportunity to join your MG group trackday, much appreciated. Hope to be able to join you again at a track next year. Very nice to meet like minded petrol heads and have good driving on track. Thankyou :)
11/09/2012 07:21:55
Dave P
There was a brown coat found in the paddock area at Castle Combe yesterday. If anyone knows who it belongs to can you e-mail me at [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]
11/09/2012 23:28:12
[quote=hainsie]Thanks to all of the organisers from MGoT and Castle Combe. A great day in the (mostly!) dry this time.[/quote] And thanks to [B]All[/B] that participated - without [B]YOU[/B] there would be no MGoT! ;)
Castle Combe - 16/09/2024 NEARLY SOLD OUT - 6 PLACES LEFT!!

Hurry up...