Forum Home / North Weald 25th May 2012 / lunchlunch

14/03/2012 13:03:59
[b]lunch[/b] Hi All, Simple question to start with. Lunch. As a lover of fine dining, my question is....during the lunch break is there a burger bar somewhere close or due we bring our own pack-up? Related sort of...I'm thinking of maybe a ride down to Silverstone just to see how it all runs. Is this allowed and if so can I get into the pit area with the car or does it have to stay outside in the big carpark?
14/03/2012 13:37:07
Martin C
Hi Simon, First North Weald - we usually all adjourn to a local hostelry for a bar meal at lunch time. Although there is usually a burger van at the venue if you prefer, but we can't guarentee that, the pub never goes away though :) Silverstone - No problem we welcome spectators, drive up to main gate, tell them you are here for the MGoT track day, then over the bridge and drive to the old pits complex, not the new Wing, as this is where we are. Look out for Dave Livingstone, he should be wearing an orange MGoT tabbard. Introduce yourself and he will point out some committee members and may even be able to arrange a passenger ride for.
14/03/2012 18:42:43
Following on from Martins comments, I am going to Silverstone & would be very happy to take you round as a passenger so you get to at least get round a track for real before the activity day at North Weald. I have a Trophy Blue TF - ask Dave Livingstone to point you in my direction! Hope to see you there.
14/03/2012 20:04:03
Thanks for the prompt replys guys Martin, the pub sounds like an excellent plan and saves me having to eat those terribly unhealthy burgers! Nigel, if I get down to Silverstone I will certainly take you up on that offer thanks. Best start being nice to the wife!!
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