Forum Home / Ask the Experts! / First timer with MGTF - hardtop or not

22/10/2011 10:22:24
Guys I'll be attending my first MGOT day at Brands in Dec and I'm deliberating over whether to fit the HT or not. The pros - it'll be quieter inside and as I've taken the coaching option that might be a good thing - I have a skiing helmet cam that also has a glass mount so I could fit that to the rear window for some nice in car video (but I could also mount to windscreen anyway) The cons - it'll be quieter :-) - it's extra weight - is it a bit wimpy (not that I really care) So, any fellow MGF/TF'ers out there that have done both HT on and off days care to offer an opinion?
23/10/2011 20:43:33
The hard top is more aerodynamic than either the soft top or open car. Whether this reduction in drag will compensate for the increase in weight I don't know. Most tracks do not allow suction cup camera mounts inside the car, as these can come lose if the car rolls.
24/10/2011 16:22:26
[quote=Ralph]The hard top is more aerodynamic than either the soft top or open car. Whether this reduction in drag will compensate for the increase in weight I don't know. [/quote] I actually prefer the soft top down as it gives more room for the helmet and aids visibility. However, you do then need a closed face helmet with visor down, as you don't want anything getting in your eyes as you hurtle along! In terms of aerodynamics v weight - I'd suggest that driver ability will more than outweigh either of these! That's not just because you are a first-timer, but I have fond memories of trying to keep up with someone in a bog standard 120bhp MGF whilst driving my 180bhp MGF - and I wasn't slow! Well done for booking instruction - it will be very worthwhile. :) [quote=Ralph]Most tracks do not allow suction cup camera mounts inside the car, as these can come lose if the car rolls.[/quote]Yes, any camera must have a secure mount and be checked by the circuit before it is used. You may also need to sign a document warranting that you will only use the resulting video for private use.
26/10/2011 21:18:59
Thanks guys for the thoughts. My helmet is open face, so I guess that means the top will have to stay up but I don't see that as an issue for this track day, if I end up doing more next summer then I'll have to look at an alternative. I've been thinking about the camera, which is really to allow me to replay the coaching rather than anything else. I can't see anyone else wanting to view my first efforts. I think I can modify the mount and attach it securely to the hoops but I'll make sure that whatever I do can easily be removed should it not pass inspection ;)
29/10/2011 20:22:03
[b]Eh?[/b] You will have trouble hearing your instructor with the top down, as I have previously discovered, although I much prefer the wind in the hair (I wish!) experience. Although the drag is greater with the top down, especially with a windstopper, I don't think you would notice the difference with the speeds you will get at Brands with . I sometimes get away with an open-face helmet (and sometimes goggles) but different tracks have different rules. With the top down, most of Kent will hear your child-like screams as you ride the roller coaster that is Paddock Hill; possibly one of the experiences to rate with Flugplatz.:eek: Enjoy the day. Rgds, Paul B
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