Forum Home / For Sale / Wanted - MGF ultra-lightweight charcoal alloy

15/08/2011 08:25:56
Hi, Has anyone got an MGF ultra-lightweight charcoal alloy they would sell? A recent puncture led to the destruction not just of a rare Goodyear GSD2 tyre, which meant a wait of 3 months to get a replacement, but also the even rarer ultra-lightweight alloy it was sitting on. I only had four and so this cracked rim means I am down to three - not easy to drive on! These are the forged aluminium ultra-lightweights first offered as an option when the MG TF came out. Sometimes they are mistakenly described as Magnesium lightweight alloys. Anyone? Regards, Dave
15/08/2011 11:28:15
Steve Hill
[quote=Dave]Hi, Has anyone got an MGF ultra-lightweight charcoal alloy they would sell? A recent puncture led to the destruction not just of a rare Goodyear GSD2 tyre, which meant a wait of 3 months to get a replacement, but also the even rarer ultra-lightweight alloy it was sitting on. I only had four and so this cracked rim means I am down to three - not easy to drive on! These are the forged aluminium ultra-lightweights first offered as an option when the MG TF came out. Sometimes they are mistakenly described as Magnesium lightweight alloys. Anyone? Regards, Dave[/quote] Hi Dave Have you tried Roy? Regards Steve
15/08/2011 14:32:07
[quote=Steve Hill]Hi Dave Have you tried Roy? Regards Steve[/quote]Will do Steve - just thought I'd throw a quick post up here.
15/08/2011 14:34:03
Steve Hill
[quote=Dave]Will do Steve - just thought I'd throw a quick post up here.[/quote] You could also try Victoria.
15/08/2011 17:41:26
Tim Guy
Sorry to hear Dave. Have a look here. [URL=""][/URL]
02/09/2011 13:01:28
Dave, with regards to the GSD2, try [URL=""][/URL] they have them in stock (ish) I got two tyres for the rear at the begining of August... took 3 days to arrive cost £183 inc delivery.
03/09/2011 10:16:01
Hi Steve, Yes, I have already got the tyres from Camskill - thanks to your earlier post in the tyre thread a few weeks ago. The problem is that when I came to fit them to the rims I discovered the cracked rim. Hence the wanted post for another ultralighteight alloy. I'm still looking :( Regards, Dave [quote=Trophy-Steve]Dave, with regards to the GSD2, try [URL=""][/URL] they have them in stock (ish) I got two tyres for the rear at the begining of August... took 3 days to arrive cost £183 inc delivery.[/quote]
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