02/08/2007 18:51:07
Hi Chris and welcome to MGoT.
I'm sure that an experienced hand will be along soon with a few tips but just to get you started take a look here at the MGoT FAQ page.
See you at Donny. :)
02/08/2007 19:42:04
Hi Chris
Regarding insurance , I would say the majority of people who come on track with us dont actually take out any. Saying that I am covered by heritage classic included in my normal policy. The majority of trackday insurance cover has a really high excess rates usually £1k+. The daily cover starts at around £65 I believe...
The MGOT trackdays are very well organised and we are very strict on what's expected of you whilst on track as to what you can and cant do so the only way your are likely to have a problem is if you are personally pushing too hard or driving beyond your abilities.
The day is sessioned and if we feel anyone is continuously driving beyond there abilities they will be black flagged and will take no further part in the day.
The majority of the vehicles on circuit are their owners pride and joy, they've driven them to the circuit and need to drive them home again.
You'll have a great day and the only injury your likely to suffer is aching face muscles from the constant grin you'll be wearing..
Come and see what you've been missing;)