Forum Home / Aims and Objects, Membership etc. / Member Survey Thoughts Please!

06/12/2005 23:05:56
We did briefly mention our member survey/questionnaire at the last meeting and I thought it was worth collating our thoughts about it here. I think it would be worth having an updated member survey/questionnaire available on the new web-site when it's launched – hopefully this will be when everyone is looking at the site so it's a good time to get their views. After having a quick look into it I think we have four main options: 1) Keep a downloadable Word document that is e-mailed back and collated manually 2) Capture the information through an on-line survey on our web-site – Lotus on Track have just done one like this, but I don't know what's involved in getting it up and running? It may well not be feasible with our time-scale and resources! 3) A free on-line survey (say, [url][/url], limited to 10 questions and 100 responses) 4) Pay for a more comprehensive on-line survey ([url][/url] costs about £13 per month to host and about 3p per response). Obviously this is not a long term option, but we could consider it for, say, three months after the web-site launch then revert to one of the other options. The Alfa Owners Club are currently running an "option 3" type survey which can be viewed here: [url][/url] Please don't fill it in though!! ;) So – over to you lot! :)
07/12/2005 18:16:09
Rob Bell
An online survey ought to be extremely easy to set up (especially for someone with Steve Child's extensive webprogramming skills) - all you need do is design a form with suitable input fields. I guess an important issue is what kind of information are you after? If you are asking questions to which there are a limited number of responses, then having a form with buttons on it is the obvious choice. The data you get back will be easy to collate too. If however you are looking for more extensive feedback in terms of a text entry field, then again this is easy to set up as part of a field entry. I am a complete numkin when it comes to web programming, but if you have a look at the MGF register website, then you can see what even I was able to write in terms of getting register members to submit their car details: [url][/url] Therefore I would say, categorically, that a web-based survey is the way to go. Whether you make it as part of a join-up process, or have it accessible so members can enter their responses as and when they have time is another question - a question that I am not sure I know the answer to. Anyone else got any thoughts?
09/12/2005 08:39:23
Lotus on Track's online survey at [url=""][/url] is very well thought through. Paul Golding has offered web support from his developer (knowing that we are delayed in our new site) and so I'm sure he'd be happy to share the code for this. It wouldn't need much amendment for our purposes. Why not give him a call on 07703192714 and ask?