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Snetterton 21st May
Watched by 0 Members
09/05/2021 10:50:06
Duncan Wood
[B][U][/U][/B] In case anyone did not receive last week's email it is included here, plus the MGoT indemnity form and MSV's latest covid advice. Please let me know if you did not receive the original email. Please email your indemnity and license scans to me asap: [email][/email] [B][U] Please forward this to all second drivers and any passengers as we do not hold their email addresses on our web site.[/U][/B] Dear All, Time to start the ball rolling for the 21st of May’s track day at Snetterton; you’re excited and I’m nervous! All registration and form filling, MGoT’s license check, and the driver’s briefing are completed online. The online briefing for the event is only active from 08.00hrs on the day before the event. Only MSV’s license check and the issuing of wristbands will take place at the circuit so please [B]don’t forget to bring your driving licence with you to Snetterton.[/B] [B]Actions required from all participants:[/B] [LIST=1] [*]As soon as possible all drivers, second drivers and passengers should complete the attached MGoT indemnity form (appendix a). [*]All main drivers and second drivers must provide a scanned copy of both sides of their driving licence. [*]Both the indemnity scans and the driving licence scans should be returned to me by email as soon as possible. Anyone who has not provided both on-line indemnity forms and driving licence will not be allowed on track. [*]All drivers, second drivers, and passengers must register with MSV using the link below. This is also the link for the driver’s briefing. [/LIST] [URL][/URL] [B]Everyone (including passengers) must use their own individual email address when registering with MSV, plus those driving must view and complete the briefing using the address that they registered with.[/B] [B]For obvious reasons it would be best if the person you nominate as an emergency contact is not sitting alongside you in the passenger seat should a mishap occur, so please choose the contact wisely![/B] [B]You will find attached MSV’s latest information relating to Covid; please read this carefully.[/B] CORONAVIRUS PRECAUTIONS These are still difficult times for us and the circuits so please follow the guidance below: [LIST] [*]Stay at home if you know you have been exposed to COVID-19 in the previous 14 days, if you are showing symptoms as indicated in Government guidelines, or if you suspect you might be infected and are awaiting results of a coronavirus test [*]Respect social distancing at all times [*]You must wear a face covering (e.g. mask or balaclava) when inside the restaurant, toilets and when signing on, or if you are unable to maintain the applicable government social distancing guidance [*]Avoid touching fixed equipment including gates, barriers or benches [*]If you become ill with Coronavirus in the 10 days after the event, please tell NHS Test & Trace that you were at an MGs on Track day and pass on my contact details. [/LIST] I will be sending out further information relating to the event in good time but please do not delay sending me your indemnities and license scans, and registering for the event with MSV. We currently have some instruction slots available. You can add these to your booking on our website: My account/ Snetterton 300/ edit booking (pen and paper symbol). Please contact me with any questions. Best wishes, Duncan. [B]Duncan Wood[/B] [B]Secretary[/B] [IMG][/IMG]