Forum Home / Goodwood 22nd February 2020 / Accommodation, the night before……….

22/01/2020 15:10:44
Welcome to a new season of MGs on Track, we look forward to seeing to you all at our track days and for those who are looking to stop overnight prior to the event why not consider booking into where you will some likeminded people to chat and have drink with the night before your track day. Track name: Goodwood Track post code: PO18 0PX Hotel name: Travelodge, Fontwell Hotel Address: A27/A29 Fontwell, Nr Arundel, West Sussex Hotel post code: BN18 0SB Hotel webite: [URL=''][0][adults]=1&rooms[0][children]=0[/URL] Room rates: From £24.99 Restaurant: The Old Stables, next door, excellent menu and beers Parking: Good Parking for trailers: Yes Distance from track: 6 miles Travel time to track: 8 mins I've stayed at the Travelodge and eaten in the Old Stables in 2017 and 2018 both times they have been excellent. I'm not attending this event but please let others know if you are stopping over by posting to this thread. If you have any recommendations for this or other track days as to other places to stay and eat the night before please let me know
23/01/2020 08:42:06
Thanks Mark, A number of us are already booked into the [URL=';label=hotel-200757-gb-8IMerjJ95cUrwVzM2SkgZQS162163606938%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap1t1%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atikwd-1905067888%3Alp1007044%3Ali%3Adec%3Adm%3Appccp%3DUmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YVujEjbMrKBVEQO8hCDrg-c;sid=f8a62c33fa483588f501de0e2308dab7;dest_id=-2592414;dest_type=city;dist=0;group_adults=2;group_children=0;hapos=1;hpos=1;no_rooms=1;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;sr_order=popularity;srepoch=1579768838;srpvid=a9543d0269d1004e;type=total;ucfs=1&#hotelTmpl']Chichester Park hotel[/URL] as it is 5 minutes from the circuit. So if anyone wants to join us there for a beer and dinner on the fridayevening please feel free.
10/02/2020 08:48:56
I will be coming from home on the morning of the event, its my only truly "local" track. Looking forward to my first "track-day" of the new season - see you all there!
10/02/2020 10:37:51
[QUOTE="AndrewSmith56, post: 18608, member: 239320"]I will be coming from home on the morning of the event, its my only truly "local" track. Looking forward to my first "track-day" of the new season - see you all there![/QUOTE] Terrific - see you on 22nd!
15/02/2020 19:04:05
Richard Gormley
Intend to join you at the Chichester Park on the 21st
16/02/2020 09:21:04
[QUOTE="Richard Gormley, post: 18615, member: 289594"]Intend to join you at the Chichester Park on the 21st[/QUOTE] That's great, will be good to see you, Richard.