07/08/2016 23:23:56
I've watched some of the stuff on [url]www.Driver61.com[/url] and found it very useful especially the classroom theory. I agree with Tim that there is something for everyone!
Can we put the link on our website front page somewhere?
19/08/2016 23:40:06
Scott has just released his [URL="http://driver61.com/uni/utilising-senses/"]19th tutorial[/URL]. This one is about maximising the use of vision, feel and hearing when on track.
Best to have viewed tutorial 3 first.
04/10/2016 16:33:40
Scott has now started on producing circuit guides. I haven't looked at any yet but likely to be an interesting read.
So far he has done Brands Indy, Silverstone GP, Spa and Donnington with more to come.