Forum Home / 2005 - Monday 13th June - Cadwell Park / Announcement and Booking

01/02/2005 00:06:45
Price still to be announced for this sessioned day at Cadwell Park on Monday 13th June. Those interested are: [font=Verdana]1. Dave Livingstone[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGF[/font] [font=Verdana]2. Barry McCann[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MG Midget[/font] [font=Verdana]3. Neil Stothert[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGF[/font] [font=Verdana]4. Peter Sullivan[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGC[/font] [font=Verdana]5. Andy Borris[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB GT[/font] [font=Verdana]6. Steve Owen[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]Sebring Sprite[/font] [font=Verdana]7. Shawn Moore[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MG Midget[/font] [font=Verdana]8. Mike O'Leary[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB GT V8[/font] [font=Verdana]9. John Payne[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]AH Sprite[/font] [font=Verdana]10. Mike Harding[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB[/font] [font=Verdana]11. Dave Brooks[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB GT V8[/font] 12. Chris Cadman, MGA Twin Cam 13. Vince Holden, MGB 14. Paul White, MGB 15. Chris York, MGF 16. Mike Hankin, MGF 17. Lawrence Wood, MGB V8 18. Bob Fleet, MGC Roadster [font=Verdana]If you'd like to add your name to this list please email [email=""][/email][/font]
06/02/2005 20:52:13
Dave, Do you know which circuit will be in use ? Dave
06/02/2005 20:59:17
[QUOTE=v8dave]Dave, Do you know which circuit will be in use ? Dave[/QUOTE] Yes, it will be the short circuit as last year, to keep the price down.
30/03/2005 18:16:00
This is sessioned day at Cadwell Park (Club Circuit) on Monday 13th June being run in association with the Lincolnshire Centre of the MG Car Club (MGCC). It's £115 for MGCC members and £125 for non-members. We'll hold places for anyone interested until 27th May. After this time unconfirmed places will be released to the reserve list. [size=2]Book your place by emailing [email=""][/email]. You can then confirm it at any time before 27th May by s[size=2]ending a cheque made payable to [b]'MGs on Track'[/b] and your [b]MGCC number[/b] to : MGs on Track c/o Tim Woolcott[/size][/size] [size=2]7 Cornflower Terrace[/size] [size=2]East Dulwich[/size] [size=2]London[/size] [size=2]SE22 0HH[/size] Currently places are reserved (until 27th May) for: [font=Verdana]1. Dave Livingstone[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGF[/font][b] - Paid[/b] [font=Verdana]2. [/font][font=Verdana]Neil Stothert[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGF[/font] [b]- Paid[/b] [font=Verdana]3. [/font][font=Verdana]Andy Borris[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB GT[/font] [font=Verdana]4. Steve Owen[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]Sebring Sprite[/font][b] - Paid (+ second driver)[/b] [font=Verdana]5. [/font][font=Verdana]Mike O'Leary[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB GT V8[b] - Paid[/b][/font] [font=Verdana]6. John Payne[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]AH Sprite[/font] [font=Verdana]7. Mike Harding[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB[/font] [font=Verdana]8. Dave Brooks[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB GT V8 [b]- Paid[/b][/font] 9. Vince Holden, MGB 10. Chris York, MGF[b] - Paid[/b] 11. Mike Hankin, MGF [b]- Paid[/b] 12. Bob Fleet, MGC Roadster 13. Ralph Gadsby, MG ZS180[b] - Paid[/b] 14. Ken Young, Gilbern MG 15. Phil Holley, MG ZT 16. Tim Woolcott, MGF 17. John Mackinnon, MGF [b]- Paid[/b] 18. Ian Walters, MGF [b]- Paid[/b] 19. Richard Tinkler, MGB 20. Simon Tinkler, MG Midget[b] - Paid[/b] 21. Robert Stanley 22. Steve and Jan Helps [b]- Paid[/b] 23. Andrew Marshall 24. Richard Hazeldine 25. Colin Leeder 26. Dave Pollard 27. David Bains and Paul Wilson 28. Gordon Derham, MGA [b]- Paid[/b] 29. Richard Eaton, MGF 30. Mark Streeter[b] - Paid[/b] 31. Andrew Hunwicks, MGB[b] - Paid[/b] 32. David Scargill, MG RV8 [b]- Paid[/b] 33. Eugene O'Brien, MGF[b] - Paid[/b] 34. Stephen Hall, MGB -[b] Paid (+Second driver)[/b] 35. Andrew Burroughs, MGB[b] - Paid[/b] 36. Ben Shouler, MGB 37. Bob Tennant, MG Metro [b]- Paid[/b] 38. Ken Young[b] - Paid[/b] 39. Nigel Petch [b]- Paid[/b] 40. David Kimber[b] - Paid[/b] 41. Shane Terry [b]- Paid[/b] [font=Verdana]If you'd like to add your name to this list please email [email=""][/email][/font]
25/05/2005 18:09:08
[QUOTE=Dave]Yes, it will be the short circuit as last year, to keep the price down.[/QUOTE] Is that the Club circuit or the Woodland circuit? ________ [URL=""]WEBSITE HOST[/URL]
25/05/2005 19:29:57
[QUOTE=Mike H]Is that the Club circuit or the Woodland circuit?[/QUOTE]Mike, it's the club circuit.
28/05/2005 10:20:58
This is sessioned day at Cadwell Park (Club Circuit) on Monday 13th June being run in association with the Lincolnshire Centre of the MG Car Club (MGCC). It's £115 for MGCC and MGOC members and £125 for non-members. All places are now up for grabs as the deadline for reserved places has expired. We haven't reached the 48 cars we need to break-even and so I'm offering places to other clubs so that we can fill the day. [b]Currently places are booked by:[/b] [font=Verdana]1. Dave Livingstone[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGF[/font][b] - Paid[/b] [font=Verdana]2. [/font][font=Verdana]Neil Stothert[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGF[/font] [b]- Paid[/b] [font=Verdana]3. [/font][font=Verdana]Steve Owen[/font][font=Verdana], MGF [/font][b]- Paid (+ second driver)[/b] [font=Verdana]4. [/font][font=Verdana]Mike O'Leary[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB GT V8[b] - Paid[/b][/font] [font=Verdana]5. [/font][font=Verdana]Dave Brooks[/font][font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB GT V8 [b]- Paid[/b][/font] 6. Chris York, MGF[b] - Paid[/b] 7. Ralph Gadsby, MG ZS180[b] - Paid[/b] 8. Tim Woolcott, MGF[b] - Paid[/b] 9. John Mackinnon, MGF [b]- Paid[/b] 10. Simon Tinkler, MG Midget[b] - Paid[/b] 11. Gordon Derham, MGA [b]- Paid[/b] 12. Mark Streeter[b] - Paid[/b] 13. David Scargill, MG RV8 [b]- Paid[/b] 14. Eugene O'Brien, MGF[b] - Paid[/b] 15. Stephen Hall, MGB -[b] Paid (+Second driver)[/b] 16. Andrew Burroughs, MGB[b] - Paid[/b] 17. Bob Tennant, MG Metro [b]- Paid[/b] 18. Shane Terry, MGB [b]- Paid[/b] 19. David Kimber, MGB GT V8 [b]- Paid[/b] 20. Nigel Petch, MGB GT V8 [b]- Paid[/b] 21. Mike Hankin, MGF [b]- Paid[/b] 22. Ian Walters, MGF [b]- Paid[/b] 23. Steve Helps, Cobra [b]- Paid[/b] 24. Ben Shouler, MGB[b] - Paid[/b] 25. David Bains[b] - Paid[/b] 26. Paul Wilson[b] - Paid[/b] 27. Dave Pollard[b] - Paid[/b] 28. Paul Janz, MGB V8[b] - paid (+second driver)[/b] 29. Peter Hermite, MG TF135 - [b]Paid[/b] 30.B Milsom - [b]Paid[/b] [b]Other interested parties:[/b] 1. Andy Borris[font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB GT[/font] 2. John Payne[font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]AH Sprite[/font] 3. Mike Harding[font=Verdana], [/font][font=Verdana]MGB[/font] 4. Bob Fleet, MGC Roadster 5. Phil Holley, MG ZT 6. Richard Tinkler, MGB 7. Robert Stanley 8. Andrew Marshall 9. Richard Hazeldine 10. Colin Leeder 11. Stephen Drake, MGB GT [font=Verdana]If you'd like to book a place please email [email=""][/email] and [size=2]s[size=2]end your cheque made payable to [b]'MGs on Track'[/b] and your [b]MGCC membership number[/b] (where applicable) to : MGs on Track c/o Tim Woolcott[/size][/size] [size=2]7 Cornflower Terrace[/size] [size=2]East Dulwich[/size] [size=2]London[/size] [size=2]SE22 0HH[/size] It'll be first-come, first-served, so please don't delay! [/font]
Goodwood - 15/02/2025 NEARLY SOLD OUT - 1 PLACE LEFT!!

Hurry up...